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Let's celebrate life by celebrating mom, ALDI style!

The greatest gift a human being receives is life, thanks to Mom. Mother's Day gives us the opportunity to show our infinite gratitude. But how do we thank the person who gave us life?

ALDI spokesperson and lifestyle expert, Hilda Gabriela, offers you five tips to celebrate mom in a meaningful way, helping you to create an ideal occasion to pay tribute and show affection to the most important woman in your life.

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For mom, there is nothing better than seeing her family together. Planning the celebration at home can be very fun if all the members of the family participate. Invite each family member and choose a special recipe for mom. Make a list of the ingredients you need for the chosen recipe and go to ALDI first to optimize your purchases and obtain the greatest possible savings. Mom will love the parade of dishes made especially for her with organic, hormone-free (GMO) and always-fresh ingredients. To get some inspiration, check out ALDI Recipes.

2 Organize a Picnic.

Sharing the table with the family is always a great time, but eating outdoors is a creative way to continue the conversation, smiles, and togetherness and is a fun way to share easy to pack foods. All you need is a blanket and to purchase some ALDI gourmet cheeses, fine wines, delicious chocolates, and fresh organic fruit, mom will love it!

3 Take her for a walk in the City.

It’s no secret that mom loves spending time with you, so take the time to talk, share ideas, feelings, and stories with her. Taking a car ride to a meaningful place in your city is the perfect excuse to spend some time together! Even better, it does not require much preparation. All you need is your car, time, some ALDI snacks and of course, your mom!

4 A night of stars.

The climate in California allows us to enjoy spring nights. Take Mom to enjoy a sunset and then prepare a delicious hot drink accompanied by some sweet desserts. ALDI offers you a variety of coffee, tea, bread, sweet pastries and even gourmet chocolates, ideal for these special occasions, and saves you up to 50% compared to other national brands.

5 Surprise her with a special gift for home.

If you need inspiration, go to your nearest ALDI store and you will find a great selection of the highest quality items for the garden, kitchen, home and even the car. Every week, ALDI offers special products made to last, but only for a limited time. Come to ALDI first to help you plan the perfect Mother's Day.



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