Helping Kids Thrive Through Food Ed

Working with so many orphan children in Latin America, I've witness severe hunger and need, and that's what comes to mind when I think of children that don't have access to food. But you don't have to travel too far to find that our own communities have underprivileged children that need our help.
Did you know that over 5 million children in California don't have access to healthy foods? It could be a matter of education or access to fresh produce but there are definitely disparities among our middle-class communities and we should be doing something about it.
And while I type here thinking about what can be done, one particular organization, Hands4Hope LA, is already taking action to make a difference and turn things around. Hands4Hope has an after-school program for children from underprivileged families and single moms that provides learning opportunities, such as cooking, so kids can help prepare healthier meals for themselves and their families. When we teach our kids how to eat healthier, they will bring that home to share with their parents. We know that our kids have so much impact on our way of life.
Until bigger action is taken by those in power, there are ways in which we can make a difference in the health of our children. So speak up and use #CAThrivesOnMilk and share why you think it's important to #HelpKidsThrive.
You can also make an impact by donating to the non-profit organizations listed below to support their nutrition education programs: Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County: Boys & Girls Clubs of Kern County: Hands4Hope LA:
Thank you so much for supporting kids. I realize there is need everywhere, but as cliche as this may sound... they are the future and we need to invest in them.